carolina code
A conference for everyone who codes
JULY 27 2019 / 9am-4pm
JULY 27, 2019
Next Innovation Center
411 University Ridge, Greenville, SC 29601
Carolina Code Conf is a welcoming community driven, "polyglot" conference in Greenville, South Carolina. We would like to invite coders of all experience levels and life experiences to attend. If you've never been to a conference. It's time.
8:30 AM-9:00 AM
Morning coffee social time
9 AM - 9:45 AM
Richard Lawson
American Credit Acceptance
Things to know before joining (or starting) a startup
Options, equity vs salary, liquidation events, venture capital, work/life balance, which technology to use, it’s all so confusing! Let a guy who co-founded a failed startup and who was CTO of Greenville’s largest startup give you the facts you need to decide if you want the #startuplife.
9:50 AM - 10:35 AM
Doug Cone
Planning to Scale
What you can do to prepare your site/app for going viral, or just living in the cloud. We'll discuss architecture, caching, data structure, and why devops and webops matter.
10:40 AM - 11:25 AM
Barry Jones
What to Expect When You're Emailing
A walk through of email authentication with DMARC for the beginner. We’ll cover the basics of how email works, why spam and phishing are everywhere, how companies like Google work to stop it and how you can protect your own domains while improving their deliverability. In a fun way.
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Lunch Break
12:35 PM - 1:20 PM
Christina Roberts
Mentors, internships, and the magic of helping people grow
The thought of entering the technology field seems as impossible as winning the lottery and that is the problem. Every community needs to increase their effectiveness to raise up new developers, stronger businesses, and a sustainable technology career path. How does that happen? Mentors!
1:25 PM - 2:10 PM
Steven Wade
Follow Up Boss
8 Simple Rules for Consuming APIs
Everyone wants to show you how to build an API, but all too often, the bread and butter is in consuming and integrating with someone else’s API. I’ve seen many integrations with APIs, some bad, some worse. That’s where these “rules” come in. Maintain your sanity and add reliability with these rules.
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Robert Roskam
The State of Async Web Frameworks
Provide an overview of coroutines (AKA async, greenthreads, or coroutines). Show which languages are providing support. Brief code snippets of the overall syntax and model supported for selected languages and further demo in popular web frameworks.
3:05 PM - 3:50 PM
Emma D'Arcy
Imposter Syndrome - It's All In Your Head!
Every person I have ever worked with has experienced Imposter Syndrome at some point in their career. In this talk I’ll share my experience with Imposter Syndrome and what I’m doing to overcome the sentiment. Because it really is all in your head.
3:50 PM - 4:00 PM
Closing Remarks, Thanks, Closing Socials
If you are interested in being a sponsor of Carolina Code Conf, please email Joel at